
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

earth day

my earth day art!
My rose bushes are blooming like crazy and I love it!  They got a little squished by the wind during our last big thunderstorm but are more are more beautiful than ever!


This month's cupcake: tiny cheesecakes with fresh strawberry topping
my students recently did a scratchboard project... for their imagery they reflected on the theme of unexpected beauty and what that meant to them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beach trip with my sweet mom last week:)

its all in the cards...

So I mentioned a few weeks ago that I have started making my own personalized cards...I'm hoping to start my own Etsy shop in the near future and am trying to fill up my store!I have now found myself making cards about things like asparagus... My mediums tend to vary... pen,watercolor,color pencils,collage.
here's my latest...

lemonade and strawberry cookies

 Not as sweet as it looks... I used stevia to sweeten my lemonade instead of sugar!